Our COVID Track Record
We are invested heavily in PPE, masks, hand sanitizer and have strengthened our cleaning processes to go beyond government regulations. In addition, we have minimized the number of people entering our space by having parents drop off and pick up at the door. Finally, both staff and parents complete a rigorous daily health screening questionnaire to minimize the chance that someone will bring COVID with them to summer camp. Our track record speaks for itself. Since re-opening for summer camp, and throughout the current school year, we have not had to shut down either the Blackmud or Savaryn location due to COVID

What if a Camper or Camp Leader gets COVID?
Per AHS protocols, the names of all Campers and Camp Leaders will be given to AHS for contact tracing. AHS will contact you if you are deemed a close contact and will give you further instructions.
Do you give refunds if you need to close due to COVID?
If there was a case of COVID that required campers to miss camp, credit for the missed days would be given. The credits do not expire and can be used by the camper and/or sibling(s) or be transferred to another camper. Refunds are not given due to days missed.
How do you minimize the risk of COVID being brought to or spread at camp?
Our most important strategy is our Daily Screening Questionnaire that is designed to ensure that Campers and/or Camp Leaders do not come to camp if there is a risk that they will bring COVID to camp with them.
AHS inspected and approved policies and procedures: As a licensed childcare provider we meet and exceed all AHS COVID guidelines and protocols. Health inspectors have visited our camp locations and approved of our COVID mitigation strategies.
Our trained Camp Leaders have been working with our COVID protocols since May 2020 and are well-versed in what needs to be done to keep everyone safe. Leaders wear masks, Campers and Leaders wash/sanitize hands frequently and we maintained social distance as much as possible.
Our large rooms and extensive use of outdoor spaces are additional reasons that we have avoided closure due to a COVID case.
Enhanced Cleaning: Throughout and at the end of the day we following our enhanced cleaning protocols to minimize the spread of COVID and other germs.